a breath in

A cream-colored lark finds its footing on the gnarled branch of a bush. The lark's legs are thick and pale pink; above their cream belly, their head and wings are studded with darker brown edged in lighter cream, like a reversed stained glass. A rich orangey-brown stripe runs along the outside edge of their wing.

Crinkle toes on the twigs, find footing. Tiny leaves bud for the short rains. A breath of wind times with a twitch of muscle as I raise my crest and stretch, tickling at the feather roots. I inhale and consider, shifting eyes sharply, the morning unfolding the movements in my periphery.

The same lark, cropped more closely. They are looking down and to the right, the wind ruffling their raised crest.

Rufous-naped Lark photographed in Maasai Mara National Reserve, November 5, 2022.